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Helpx / Wooff hosts. How do you choose?
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Joined: 13 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 10 10:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

we board ours in the SC we tell them this is where they will be staying and we've not had any issues or them changing their minds. It sleeps 8 and at most there are 2 helpx folk at a time. It has a large seperate livingroom with tv/dvd double bedroom, twin bedroom and a seperate shower so its rather nice.

It has a fully fitted kitchen which we stock with a weeks worth of shopping, and then they have meals with us if they so choose. The horses can be ridden, if they seem capable, we also take them into town if they request it and fetch them back - buses and taxis are far too expensive - they appreciate the efforts we go too.

If they are here for a 7 day stay we only ask work for 5 so they have two days to do as they please. That way they can explore the local area, have a choice of going near or far. It works for us, and I think that's the most important bit, you have to set up the exchange so it works for you, then the people who choose to come already fit into your plans, and you don't have any issues, we certainly haven't as yet.

Green Rosie

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 10 6:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sally wrote:
Green Rosie wrote:
We don't pay them but likewise take them out and about to local attractions and usually pay for a meal for them on their last day. One did ask of they could do some extra work for pay but they turned out to be the Helper from Hell who didn't even manage to do the work they were supposed to let alone any extra .

I always think the "extra for pay" throws up a load of dilemmas. Really because as a host you then would have to define exactly where their help for their stay ends and the pay for the extra starts.

I like to think that if folk appreciate what we are doing for them then they will do a little "extra". We certainly give "extra" to just board and lodging. So if we were paying helpers more then we'd have to put a value on the extras we give them too.

Considering most get: to ride horses, a bike for their own use, use of trampoline, trips out and lifts when they ask, and generous servings of wine etc. in the evenings. I think it could only become an awkward arrangement.

Exactly - we just leant that the hard way with a particularly difficult helper. All the others have helped far more than we ever ask.


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 10 8:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Although I’m not ready to volunteer just yet [domestic situation] I recently put a profile up on Help Exchange to get a feel for how welcome I’d be and in preparation for emailing hosts. (All being well) I’d be travelling the UK with my dog in a caravan, so I need to find hosts who would allow me to park and could also work something out with the pooch. I’ve tried to make the profile informative and say what experience I have and what I’d like to get out of it, and so far I’ve been contacted by 4 hosts in as many weeks which is great! Provided I’m taught some skills as well as just getting on with jobs I know I’d be happy.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 10 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just had three very pleasant, enthusiastic young people round. They made vanilla soap, ate lots of bread and honey and helped Sean setting off a batch of mead.

They took lots of photos and then charged around the commons with the dog who thought they were wonderful


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 10 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apologies for being so late in coming back here - a bit of "stuff" going on - then we lost phone lines for a couple of days so no internet - aah - the joys of country living!!

I wanted to say thank you so much for the really kind words about my situation - and also for such encouraging responses.

I want to try some short term wwoof/helpx experiences here in Australia fairly soon - then once the loose ends are sorted, head out into the big wide world - and I have to say I am really excited about it.

Glad your day visitors went well Jamanda - and again many thanks to everyone

Best Wishes

PS - wonder if it would be a good idea to ask about toyboy availability locally in my initial contacts?? - shucks probably not - but I can always dream!!!!


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 10 6:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

At the Donkey Sanctuary we also encourage volunteers to contribute to the blogs (Spanish and English) about their experiences. I think this helps as some volunteers we have seen have had poor experiences in other placements.

It is a two-way choice I believe. Having volunteers talk about their experience helps others to make the right choice for them. It also gives them an indication of what day to day life is like.


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 10 8:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

SK wrote:
PS - wonder if it would be a good idea to ask about toyboy availability locally in my initial contacts?? - shucks probably not - but I can always dream!!!!

Perhaps you could make enquiries about that once you had found a placement you liked?


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 12 11:50 am    Post subject: Re: Helpx / Wooff hosts. How do you choose? Reply with quote

[quote="Sally too:972576"]I've notice a few others on here Helpx hosts etc. and I was wondering... We have been on the go for a year now and it has been a great experience for all of us.
Hi sally there is also workaway the same , you can talk to the people before you go helpx is good as is wwoff I think have a back up incase it goes wrong but usually ok .

Sally Too

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 12 12:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Zamira, This is a rather old thread now. Sadly we've taken our listing on Helpx down now, due to my reduced health at the mo. We do still keep in touch with past helpers and a couple call in when they are passing .....

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