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Jam Lady

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 18 2:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Skunks make very nice pets. They are now illegal where I live in New Jersey - concern over rabies, I think. Mine (they children named him Stinky) did get an annual rabies shot. I always made sure to remind the vet it had to be the killed, rather than the attenuated form of the vaccine. Skunks are so susceptible that the latter could tip him over and give him rabies.

He was "de-skunked" before we bought him.

Easy to keep. They're omnivores so coming up with a suitable diet was quite simple. He was housebroken to a certain area of the living room. If his pan was there, he'd use it. If it got pushed away, he'd use the corner.

Short legs, he could go upstairs but not down. Near as to noiseless as can be. So he'd stand at the top of the stairs and thump his front legs until I'd come up, tuck him under my arm like a furry football and we'd go back down again.

Powerful - if I was sitting on the sofa and he was up there with me no matter how firmly I would push my back against the back of the sofa he could work his nose, then his clawed front paws between and push me forward.

He was the standard black and white. Today there are all sorts of colors such as chocolate brown and white.

But alas, not legal here. To be honest, while I'm really glad to have had him I'm not sure I actually want another.

Shan, I only have one, maybe two pictures. I'll look them out and see if I can take a digital version.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 18 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Glad things are getting better for you Shan, with all the packing you are doing it won't help; may be delay things for a day or so. I apologise to you for posting pictures of the barrel handling kit you have for sale, and I didn't come back to you. We are not interested as a company, but if I had a fork lift at home I would have the lifting device. My sporadic oil is delivered by a man who puts it in place for me which is a serious bonus as I really can't handle 200lt barrels now. We have had a chain lift for our truck at work, which is a bonus, I can lift it all into place there. I tend to forget now and should have come back sooner-an age thingy.

I need to get a whole house sorted MR, which I will bit by bit! I have the spring work to do on the holding soon, but a real plus to have the tractor working. I have had to rely on neighbours till now. I am chasing a set of chain harrows and an old 'wuffler' and mounted or trailed rake for making hay. I don't want a baler as too complicated for me to want to relearn how to put them right when they go wrong. The other two either have the right amount of bits or not, but old/new replacements are available if you look hard enough, "they" say.
Glad the firewood processor is on the move now, mine is currently an axe for firewood and a baby brummock-hedging tool-for kindling chopping.

No the sunshine is there, Cassandra, regarding the kitten. It probably didn't remember its early days, just how to survive. Memory would tell it to go to point x, where it found food, as it got a bit older so the sun came out for it. Luckily it was you that did the work to get it to you. Now whoever dumped the kitten(s), should be sorted, but what I think should be done is unprintable, but along side that would be banning from keeping animals farmer or not!
Look after yourself Cassandra-get some rest, but see the doctor if you don't get to feel a bit better daily. Don't sit on it!

We have had snow today on the hills and as I haven't gone up the hill yet I don't know how much is still there, but very sunny now, so all gone, I hope! I don't seem to be able to keep up with the kindling. I have delivered 30 this week so far and that is way over where I want to be, due to the lack of nets up to December I had too much stock stored and not much time to net it-now the stock has gone I am hand to mouth. I will get home and do 10 more today and another 20 at least I hope on Saturday and hope it goes warm for a couple of weeks.
Got Rugby to watch tomorrow. I will see it in an English household so can express my feelings, which would have to be suppressed in a Welsh community-oops. A red face I will have at work on Monday if Wales win; and the appropriate smug smile if they loose!

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 18 8:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go carefully Shan. Don't take things too quickly. Cassandra, as Gregotyn says, if you don't feel better soon, see the doctor. As you had told me about rampant fly in Aus, I had my first ever flu jab this year.

Jam Lady, I did wonder if you could 'deskunk' skunks. I can see without that they might be quite attractive.

We are in the same position with log sacks Gregotyn. We had a new outlet this year and they are going like hot cakes; 50 a week before Christmas, and still going fairly strong now. Think we must be at about 600 this year so far. Husband and I are going to do some more today and also deliver a half load of firewood. Weather looks grey, so hope it is dry, although we will mainly be working in the log store, so not so important.


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 18 8:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haha Shan. She let me turn her upside down long enough to get a confirmation of her gender, so she is now Poppet. She also had an out-of-run encounter with Seb which went well. Seb lunged forward with abandon, she stood her ground and swore and he backed off. All good, but it will be a while before they can be alone together. Billy has stayed out of things today, but everyone needs a rest from time to time.

I accidentally acquired a new spinning wheel today. It was for sale with two lazy kates and I didn't get one with my first wheel so I enquired about splitting the lot. The seller stood firm (but was good enough to negotiate on price) so I bought the wheel, the two lazy kates, the 8 bobbins and brought them home.

Now it is oiled and running well I have decided to keep it, and sell my first wheel (they are the same make and model, but this one is a later version with two ratios on the flyer). I will make up a beginners pack with one of the lazy kates, four bobbins, a hook and a sample bag of various sorts of fluff as there is nothing more frustrating than getting a wheel and having nothing to spin.

Then it will go on the Spinners Buy-sell site I follow and the Guild magazine if I get no bites.

It has been used as a loungeroom ornament for many years, so needed a bit of TLC, but it is clean and works well. I suspect the leather bit will not last the distance and I can't find my dubbin at the moment, but if it goes I will just add another.


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 18 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well not sure what is happening but the pooter this morning does everything twice when I get to want my emails and come on here, and have had to use the top bar to do anything, but here we are.
I am pleased you have found the kitten's gender, Cassandra. I hope she lives up to her name. But at her age to stand up to the Seb is good news. Though I guess she has had a few encounters she didn't want in the past but has come through.
Another spinning wheel, with, as I read it, a good deal for you into the bargain. And you can help someone else get started. Hopefully getting your money back plus a bit.

I have always had the flu jab when offered, this year they didn't send to me the paperwork through the post as normal, but I went to the doctors for my regular monthly "Life in a bag", to find the place full of children. I asked what was happening and told their flu jabs, When I said they hadn't done me she put me on the list for that day and within 5 mins. I was done and off home. I have only had flu once for around 10 years since I have been done a few nasty colds maybe, but not much else in the winter-maybe the caravan dwelling and plenty of fresh air?

The difference between us, MR, with the nets, is that mine are bigger nets for the sticks than I previously sold, yet I am selling more than before, no new customers; there are no more houses being built in this area to account for around 20% increase in sales, and this year is so far much warmer, so why the extra sales? In the next breath thankyou to all the local people and visitors who buy them! Maybe more people are coming 'to the cottage' more frequently, I am pleased they are.
Today is wet, very wet, after yesterday's snow, about a good covering. A few years ago I planted a triple row of spruce as a shelter belt. It was noticeable how it kept about half an acre of the acre field clear of snow whilst the rest of the patch had around 2 inches on it. I will be watching rugby later at my friend's house. I have to start chopping in earnest tomorrow. And will need to saw a lot of blanks too. I haven't made any inroads into a machine yet MR, but when I do, I will let you know. I did a drawing once of a machine to cut the lengths of wood from blanks, pushing them through hydraulically, but the wastage of timber in the cutting apart with a saw blade was too much;almost 3/4in. lost in 4 cuts in a 5in. board. Now I have no real waste as I have a customer who takes all the chips and side pieces which don't make the grade, but a sore arm occasionally!. And another who will take the bigger pieces that don't chop due to knots.


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 18 11:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

JamLady, your skunk sounds like he was absolutely fascinating. I do like the stomping at the top of the stairs.

MistressRose, thanks. I am taking it easy. Very frustrating though. I have been drinking loads of water and some rehydration tabs but still feeling a bit dehydrated. Getting there though. Mr Shan said I'm starting to nag him, so must be feeling better.

Gregotyn - don't worry. I have been taking a somewhat Laissez Faire approach to selling things. I dislike the whole process so I have been procrastinating....

Cassandra, my last cat was called Poppy and was often referred to variously as: Poppet, Poppy-Cat, Poppy-kitty, you little Sh*t, 'Stop that' and 'Don't you DARE bring that in here'. She was a typical black and white kitty and a huntress of note. She was feral and we domesticated her as much as was possible. She was affectionate toward Mr Shan and I but wouldn't go near other people. Her favourite trick was to bring in a baby rabbit and eat the head.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 18 6:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rabbits were Smidgen's specialty too Shan - he caught dozens of babies before being confined indoors in deference to the increased snake population. He would come when called, pounding up the back paddock with his tail looped over his back as if pursued by the hounds of hell - but would hide instantly he heard anyone at the door.

Poppy has continued her adventures today and found her way into the laundry, and later was tempted into the kitchen with a bowl of wet food. She soon beat a retreat as she felt too exposed (it's a big room), but she ate half the food before doing so.

I went to the market in a village up the road (accidentally, I didn't know it was on but the friend I had called to see was not at home) where I found the extendible clothes line for the shed for a mere $10.00 which is considerably less than the $200+++ they are in the shops. It even has a usefully large piece of wood attached to one end so I can provide a reinforced attachment through the thin metal wall of the shed. Very happy with that.

My plans to do the washing were thwarted by the weather failing to deliver on the forecast, and despite all the roaring and thundering rain last night it was only 12 mm in the gauge.

Mistress Rose

Joined: 21 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 18 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We had a cold wet day yesterday, and we were out in it part of the time. Managed to do another 16 log sacks, so with the 10 husband and son had done Friday, we managed to put together one outstanding order for 20, with 6 towards the next order of 10 and did the delivery. Also delivered a half load to a house on an old estate. I had never been there before, and the main house, which is being subdivided is fantastic in the old use of the word. High Victorian Gothic and the most amazing sight, although may not be so comfortable to live in.

At present spring is coming in very slowly. The snowdrops up the lane to the woods have been lovely, but we have very few other flowers. The celandines are coming out with only one flower at a time, and that in a warm corner. The bluebell and wild garlic leaves are coming up; haven't seen any wild garlic, but certainly smelt it in the coup I was in last Thursday.

Jam Lady

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 18 2:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rain yesterday afternoon, overnight, continuing this morning. Supposed to rain all day. Mushroom society has its mycophagy event and auction this afternoon. An hour's drive away. Better than snow I suppose.

Nothing even peeking above ground yet. It's been so cold with little snow that the frost is deep in the ground. When Spring comes it will be in a rush.

Fog, our beloved heart cat, gone these several years, would clean out a nest of young rabbits in a morning. They would squeal so piteously. He'd eat them up, then snooze, his fat belly making him look like a well fed anaconda.

Skunk was also adept at searching for food. We eventually had to put a hook and eye closure on the refrigerator - he would pop the door open to look for comestibles but never did learn to close it. Outdoors, he would follow at my heels (which engendered excited responses from the general public who happened to see us.) Took him to pre-school story hour at the library and all the children would cluster around and pet him. Somewhat shy, he'd cover his face with his paws but otherwise tolerated it.

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 18 7:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How lovely. As we don't have skunks, I don't know that much about their habits, but if they are deskunked they sound really fascinating.

Weather better yesterday, just a few sleet showers. We went out for a bit shopping as we had a couple of things we needed, and managed to get both, which was pretty good, as they were odd things. Looks like another fine cold day today, but threatened with all sorts of nasty things after that. They have changed the weather maps on the BBC so even more difficult to see what is happening. It was so much easier when they used isobars and just had a sticker saying 'wind', 'rain', 'snow' or on one memorable occasion 'gof'.

It is log sacks and birch again today, with our Trefoil Thinking Day ceremony this evening. I have to do something about Guiding in Canada, so need to make some notes so I don't forget.


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 18 8:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cassandra, it's good to hear Poppy-kitty is settling. Soon she will rule the household. It is in the nature of female cats.

I'm pleased you brought up the washing line. It reminded me I had to get one for Portugal. Line dried washing smells so much better and irons so much easier.

JamLady, I think the closest thing we have to a 'skunk style' of pet, is probably a ferret. I have always wanted one but we had too many other animals and I would not have been able to give it the time it needed. We are currently completely without animals but travel too much to consider any. This is the year of upheaval for us and the next 2 years are likely to be equally disruptive.

MistressRose - try looking at some other weather sites. I often look at windfinder for sailing and they tend to do inland areas too.

We had a dusting of snow here overnight and yesterday was a mix of sleet, snow and rain interspersed with some bright but very windy and cold patches. Well, at least we managed to get the pig ark out the field and apparently it's being collected this evening, so that is one more thing sold.

Today, I have to make some pillowcases and hoover up all the feathers in my sewing room before I do anything , skin and brine a pork leg, try and find out where the hell my DPD delivery is, negotiate with a Portuguese security company, get the name of a reputable builder, iron, pack some more, get the pheasant panels off the field shelter and take photos so I can sell it, photograph the hurdles, the hay feeder...etc...etc..


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 18 9:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Line drying is definitely the way to go if you can Shan, I did two loads today and have barely finished putting it all away! I keep pausing to smell it it smells so good, and when you go to bed in clean sheets the odour is wonderful!

I had no idea skunks were so like racoons in their investigative food-pinching ways! Like Shan I rather look forward to any pix you have JL - Not sure I have ever seen an image close up.

Poppet ran out of the pen this morning to greet me and her breakfast, ignoring the fact Seb was right behind me. She wove enthusiastically around my ankles and Seb managed to get several thorough smells of her before she followed the food bowl back to the pen - it was all remarkably calm, but apparently thinking it over during the day made Seb a bit too enthusiastic this afternoon so he had to be banned. He stands at a distance doing a goofy woof - the sort that brings the front feet off the ground and shakes the entire body - which she did not appreciate.

So I retired him to the bedroom and shut intervening doors till he fell asleep. Children! What can you do!

Not much achieved at all today past the washing as it was a public holiday, and also I visited several friends all of whom had lots to say - at length in one instance haha.

Tomorrow is my first roster for driving patients - a short day - so we will see how it works and give me some experience with the car before I have to venture into the City in haste as will be the case on Wednesday. Since we will be returning to winter on Wednesday it's a good thing its 4WD as one of them lives out in the boondocks and it will entail wet dirt roads.

Jam Lady

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 18 2:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rain and heavy fog for much of yesterday's drive, with spray that goes splat on your windshield, kicked up by huge tractor-trailers (we also call them 18-wheelers because that's how many wheels they have).

Mycophagy event was excellent. About 60 or so members attending. Luke, our president and professional chef, made a savory bread pudding, a mushroom risotto, and a mushroom soup. He demonstrated the processes. And we have a video camera on a stand that focuses downward on the work table and his hands, projected to a large screen so it is easy to follow what he's doing. Made sufficient quantities that everyone got a generous sample.

There was a mushroom cookbook in the myco auction that I wanted. And I got it!

Skunks are, like ferrets, mustelids. Ferrets more like weasels or mink than are skunks. Raccoons have forepaws that work like hands, skunks do not. They have paws with long, strong, always extended claws excellent for digging. In fact, I can always tell when skunks have been investigating for grubs in the Spring, from the pits in the lawn.

Convinced that they have the ultimate deterrent, skunks are verycalm. Years, multiple years ago, when I used to do herbaceous border maintenance, I was at a clients. Opened the tool shed door and there was a wild skunk asleep in a pile of sacking. Went to the house and got some cheese from the maid. Mistress, maid, and I went back to the tool shed. They hung back a bit and watched while I tossed bits of cheese to the beast. Their eyesight is poor but sense of smell excellent.

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 18 7:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We had a generally fine day yesterday; bit of cloud came over, but it stayed dry during daylight. We had a short hail shower just before we left Trefoil in the evening, but otherwise stayed all right.

Glad you are making progress with selling things Shan. Hope you are feeling better now.

Cassandra, you seem to be doing well with Poppet. Hope Seb gets the idea of being a bit quieter before he gets a well aimed bop on the nose with the claws out. Hope your driving goes well.

Jam Lady, badgers in the UK are quite good at holes. They dig to find worms and things, and also make nice little latrines. Trouble is, you have to hope you see them before you put your foot in them. Badgers, being omnivorous, also like berries, so do quite well in the woods. They are pretty invincible too; they go through deer fence as if it wasn't there.

Spent yesterday bundling up the birch I had cut. Managed to get it all done, but feeling rather achey for some reason, although it isn't heavy work. Suppose it was because I was bending down to pick it up from the heap on the ground most of the day. Anyway, all in the dark and piled up now. Just have some already tied up bundles to come down for store, then on to the next lot.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 18 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been chopping wood for all I am worth, so far behind, but am getting there. I will be out of here in a few minutes time and back to it. The worst thing is that I am bothered about the quality of wood that I supply, often giving 'my couple' wood to test burn for me to check that it will start a fire. I got some decent larch this morning and will be going back soon the cut and chop it there are only about 10 pieces around 1500mm-5ft., so not, a lot but will fill a net.

Pleased Poppet is making progress. Cassandra. And what a find that cheap washing line, Doubtless get plenty of use; I can see the dyed wool on it now! I hope the driving goes well for you, take care. I am assuming the company supply the car for this and it is not your car you are using?

Our weather seems to be more unsettled than it should be. This morning they promised snow and frost, but neither was present at 5am. though it was not warm. And all I got was rain to work then it dried up and waited till I came home and rained all the way back-beautiful now, sun, gentle breeze and a warmer than is seasonal-probably change by the time I get to go home.

It has been a good year for me so far with the kindling, if annoying over the sacks, having to wait till I had none to sell was not my idea of fun-I had talked about it from August only to get them the week before Christmas. The time it took the idiot in the shop to get round to buying them. Think he has learned about that now as I have gone on about it somewhat-"rubbing it in", as we say.
You talking about Victorian houses, MR. We went to bath to a deceased relatives home to collect some crown Derby we inherited as a family, and I have still got. I wish I could have had the house-it was beautiful. High ceilings, wide staircases, and huge rooms all fitted out with the appropriate Vicky furniture. A house I would have liked to inherit, but it went to her friend who had looked after her, which was fair enough. I couldn't afford the rates today forget the heating!
The snow drops round us are nearly over I meant to tell you last week how lovely they looked in a wood I drive through every day.

A friend told me that if you hang a shirt up as soon as it leaves the washing machine it irons itself! I have tried and tested this theory and it does work. I now read that you use the same system as me but still iron to put the finishing touches. I, however, would not iron anyway! I figure if anyone wants me for my ironed shirts, then it is not my company they are after, but how smart I am, which I am afraid to say isn't 'very'.

I hate badgers MR., top of the food chain and often go on killing sprees for fun. I have no problem with them killing for food, but to kill for the fun of it, is not my idea in life. As creatures they are beautiful in their markings. There was however, a saying on the farm I worked on that a dead badger was the best type to have on a farm.

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