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Joined: 02 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 20 1:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

re cars and water, imho it is risky enough to be a tactic of last resort.

if you must there are some things that reduce risk and increase success.

make sure the vehicle is up for it re depths, that is easy on the motor but requires surveying the water on foot with a staff, surprise holes,rocks, gullys, and depths need finding before you lose your vehicle.
is the floor solid enough for feet but too soft for a vehicle's wheels?
ed ps you should be roped on while you survey .

have you got a winch? if not it makes it a lot riskier, if you have one attach it to the far side before driving and winching to the other side

is the water moving?. if it moves enough to make you unsteady on your feet it might well sweep a motor downstream easily if deep enough to push on the door panels etc rather than just the wheels

unless you have a proper multi terrain vehicle built for wet bits as well as dry ones, if you cannot walk across it chances are you can't drive across it.

ps water on foot is another world of risk and unpleasantness that requires great care, a fair bit of skill, wisdom and bottle along with a strong self-preservation instinct if you want to get away with it or live to try an alternative route.
i have walked across the spey, waded chest deep in trout rivers etc
the more i have done such things the more i have learnt and the less keen on doing it again in any but desperate circumstances.
water is well dangerous compared to things that really worry most folk.

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 20 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Most of the places round here are proper fords and also have what I call 'panic boards'; depth gauge boards beside them, so a good footing and an indication of the depth. From pictures I have seen of the one I have been through recently, I wouldn't even consider trying to drive through it now. There is a foot bridge over it, and as it flows moderately fast, being a winterbourne, that is the safest way to cross on foot.

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 20 8:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

On a slightly different subject, I managed to prepare one of my raised beds for onion sets and sowed some peas, sugar peas and leeks indoors yesterday. I always do peas and beans indoors as the mice or other small mammals get them otherwise.


Joined: 18 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 20 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I remember in the '70s having a Mini as a company car (I was a rep for a garage), and following a small Peugeot through a flood; I was doing well till the Peugeot stalled and his back wave surged back into me and I stalled too. Fortunately we were moving into shallower water, some hefty men gave the Mini a push onto dry land and someone lent me some WD40. I was soon back on the road, stopped at the next garage, dug out the rubber grommets in the floor pan and most of the flood water drained out! But my fashionable boots were never the same after that!!


Joined: 27 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 20 6:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I accidentally drove my Morris 1100 into a ditch with similar results Lowri. Fortunately a band of heroic surfers rescued this maiden in distress (I was a lot cuter in those days) by simply lifting it back to dry land.

I have spent the whole day pulling together the grant application (most of that was spent trying to download photographs and dealing with the consequences - and to this day I have no idea where they went to), chasing up letter of recommendation, getting the bad news that my helper at Council is basically prone to assumption which in turn has had some minor impacts on my plans, redrafting the draft business plan (which it turns out was not required for the grant but at least we have one now), and getting the washing done. I have still to remake the bed with fresh linen.

Tomorrow has been blanked out in my diary so I will spend it harrassing the builder whose quote I continue to await, and finally lodging the application. Phew.

Meanwhile my transportation commitments have been changed but I still have at least two more days of them. The second driver is back on deck though which is a blessing. My passengers will both be immune compromised so it's back to the masked avenger for me.

Good luck with your lunatic PM, and his fanciful notion he can survive corona virus and its subsequent economic impacts without being part of the EU.

Mistress Rose

Joined: 21 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 20 7:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Glad the second driver is back. That should make your workload there a bit easier. I assume you are provided with suitable masks for the job as here we are told they are in short supply, although I wouldn't have the faintest idea where to even buy them.

Yes, we are rather concerned that a combination of the coronavirus and leaving the EU by the end of the year is going to cause a complete breakdown. At present, we are not sure what effect the virus is going to have on us; it may be good as more people will want charcoal for private barbecues, or could make things very difficult indeed. We will have to see, and hope that we can keep the company going and that we all stay healthy, or at least have it very mildly. As we have 2 at risk people in the family, we are rather worried about it as you can imagine.


Joined: 27 Mar 2013
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Location: Tasmania Australia
PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 20 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes the financial implications for small businesses are huge. I have just had a conversation with the President about cancelling the Market next month because of our public liability. It didn't start well and involved lots of 'I wonder what my daughter will think" till I pointed out that it was a call for the Executive to make, not the daughter. She tested me on that later in the conversation by suggesting we consult with the Boys, but I pointed out they too are ordinary members, so by the end of the conversation it was her idea and she will speak to the other members of the Executive.

No market does mean no income for us so if the worst case scenario proceeds and it is six months before we can resume we may be in trouble, but fortunately we have sufficient in hand (and coming from the Raffle) to cover bills for the next two quarters.

I have finally massaged our grant application together and submitted it 40 minutes ahead of the deadline (and have a confirmation Email to prove it), and now i have to head into town to clean the bank. During my conversation with the President I got the latest update from the Cleaning Company I work for regarding precautions required (rubber gloves at all times apparently) which provided further impetus to my suggestions to her. I do hope the other members of the Executive agree as farmers and country girls are unlikely to really understand the ramifications (the President thought a long flu she had two years ago was Covid 19 .....). I explained that there's more than one coronavirus as it's a collective term, which is why they are now calling it Covid 19 so people know which one they are talking about .... it can be rather difficult at times ...

Tomorrow and Friday I am driving pretty well all day as I have patients with appointments at both ends of the day, but I do have a knitting project I would like to finish off (not that it's likely we'll be having a show any time soon), and get out of my hair.

Mistress Rose

Joined: 21 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 20 7:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well done for both getting the grant application complete and in, and dealing with the President. Lets hope she understands enough not to be swayed by anyone like her daughter just saying 'It'll be all right don't worry' and not consulting anyone else. In that case, you could point out that she might be personally liable if anyone sues because of the market. Sometimes focuses peoples minds. As you say, the cleaning company taking precautions may also be a good argument.

DILs department have all been sent home as 'non essential' workers, luckily on full pay, so at least she is less likely to be affected that way. The colleague who was sent home was back before the shutdown as the person he contacted was tested and clear, so that panic over.

We had a constructive day in the coppice yesterday, with some engineers finally turning up who were able to tell us exactly what they did need in the way of clearance.

We have two log deliveries today. One is in a very much at risk group, so we have told him we will put his bags of logs in his store, he leaves his money there, and he stays indoors. He likes a chat, but he had one with husband over the phone, so hopefully that will help a bit.


Joined: 24 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 20 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Been on other missions. I have done a panic shop and finished work for at least as long as "they" find an immunisation jab. And at last I have decided to communicate with the outside world and install a "telephone"-what will they invent next! Well it is that or have a computer at home which needs a 'phone line-blow the expense. Although it is good to get out of the house, I decided that this bug could get me anytime, so I am going to do what I want up in the hills till it all blows, (ha-ha), over.
The man who I sell the wood to has suggested that I get a mobile phone and gave me a sim card to put in an old one but I have no charging lead. This is nothing to do with him getting extra sales, but he said that they would deliver to me if I wanted to phone my order in! I think it is he can ask for firewood delivery!
I did a panic shop in Tesco and Morrisons and I will do what I want, when I want, at home, till there is an all clear sounded and I will then go back to work-possibly.
I wonder how long it will last? Talk of years rather than months.

I may be out of touch for awhile they may be closing the library till this is all over. Best of luck all stay safe.


Joined: 02 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 20 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

stay safe and well mate, i recon you have made a good choice.

most phones are capable of getting an internet connection so you should be able to stay in touch/shop online once you have set it up.

Mistress Rose

Joined: 21 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 20 7:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stay safe Gregotyn. See if you can get a link to the outside world at least, as you really need one. Can you get either your wood man or a younger neighbour to shop for you sometimes? You will need some things like milk and bread, even if you live out of tins.

We are carrying on working as far as possible, but trying to avoid contact with everyone; not too hard for us as we can do deliveries without seeing our customers and are encouraging them to pay directly into our bank rather than leave cheques or money. In the woods, we are mainly on our own anyway, or working at a distance from others, so all well there.


Joined: 24 Jun 2010
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Location: Llanfyllin area
PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 20 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My next door neighbour has a 'pooter, but his wife does physiotherapy or similar, privately and she would shop for me if needed. I have a phone line to my house, but not connected as I did have a mobile at one stage and that worked, although not inside the house. The comment from a friend was that we want to know if you have died as we don't want the smell of a rotten body to tell us! They do look out for me, as does the horsey lady and her man.

I am doing things at home for a while with this over 70 stay indoors advice, although that is impossible for me as I need to be outside in "fresh air"-how fresh is the air- question? I don't like being inside if I can help it. My plan is to leave work as soon as I can and sort myself out a bit. I am thinking it is time to relax and enjoy life rather than being in the rat race. I have to sort a chap out who owes me quite a lot of money too from way back. It will give me pleasure to get it, almost as much as the process of getting it. I am not nasty, but this chap needs to be scared, mentally not physically, I don't do violence.

All seems to be well with library-they are not closed but the schools are now finished until further notice, the last bus has just pulled out of the bus park. The children will be having lessons at home via computers it seems; could be interesting if you don't have a computer!

Look after yourselves and take care. If I don't get here in the morning and they decide to stop the computers I will be back as and when. The main thing is that if it goes belly up, then all I want to say is thankyou for your comments and advice over the years' I "see" you all as friends.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 20 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Take care and don't put yourself at risk will look forward to your daily news hopefully not to far in the distant future , best wishes

Mistress Rose

Joined: 21 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 20 8:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hope to hear from you again soon Gregotyn. Look after yourself. How will you keep an eye on Cassandra and me that you regard as your 'girls' if you don't log in now and again?

We started preparing wood for charcoal yesterday. There was a load of fairly thin stuff round the firewood processor, that husband and son cut up and I sorted into ready to use and too green. Unfortunately I managed to trip over the towing bar on the kiln and went completely over again, landing on the same knee as last weeks fall. A bit sore, but luckily no major ill effects today. I must be more careful. I must be more careful. I must be......


Joined: 24 Jun 2010
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Location: Llanfyllin area
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 20 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The library has told me there are no plans to close until they have to. I was originally told that it would close as the council would be only too delighted to save fuel for heating! But not so, and we are still in business it appears. So pleased, as I have decided to retire, it will give me a bolt hole from the current problems I have with an employee at work who is a moron to say the least; the other descriptions I have of "it", as I call him, would be unprintable.

I had a good night's sleep and have only just got out of bed about an hour ago. I forgot it was even Saturday, I have to shop today for food and all sorts to do. This time of retirement will not be idle. I have to tidy my home and get rid of a lot of newspapers. They do the collection on Fridays about mid morning so should get up in time. I will have to get into the routine of having an alarm clock. Now for work I wake automatically 4.15.am, take tablets, wash, dress and go out. I've done the food the day before. It will be strange not going out, and I wonder how many times I will go out before I remember I am living on the pension and not on my wages! That is the worst thing half my monthly income gone, best part of £1000. Looks like the firewood will have to increase if I am to maintain standards! I will be taking a trip to Australia if my friends come over again in the near future, and go back with them for a while.
Got to go time running out on library pooter see you all on tuesday if the library is open. Bye if not!

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